Study in New Zealand

New Zealand is world-renowned for beautiful scenery, and opportunity to enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities. New Zealand is an emerging top destination for studying abroad. New Zealand universities, colleges and other education institutions offer students a unique learning environment and considered as one of the best in the world. They are known for providing a wide range of high quality education possibilities to the international students from around the world.

B&B Overseas provides best overseas education visa services to Indian students for study in the New Zealand and helps students to get admission, course selection and visa for New Zealand. Our main focus is to guide students in proper ranked universities for their study abroad dreams. If you need some professional advice to guide you in your study abroad journey, please do not hesitate to contact us and get expert guidance.

Why Study in New Zealand

Admission criteria

Admission criteria for universities and polytechnics vary by institution with some having open admissions after minimum requirements are met while others have selective admissions criteria. Unlike most countries where completion of secondary school is the minimum requirement, New Zealand’s universities and polytechnics require completion of specific subjects and levels which may vary by school and program. Some programs also require portfolios or interviews. In general, polytechnics have less rigorous requirements than the universities.

Admissions requirements

Admissions requirements for degree programs vary by country and university and in some cases require students to have already completed some college and/or have received above average scores on standardized tests in their own country. Some universities also offer foundation level coursework to prepare students for a degree program if they don’t qualify for a degree program initially. Those whose primary language is not English may have to pass a standardized language exam.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are reasonable for undergraduate programs when compared with tuition in the US and other western countries but can get quite expensive for some graduate programs, especially those in business.

Top Universities and Colleges in New Zealand

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